Links are interactive maps for practising.
Alps, Apennins, Balkan Mountains, Carpatian Mountains, Caucasus Mountain, Dinaric Alps, East European Plain, Massif Central, Meseta Central, North European Plain, Pyrenees, Scandinavian Mountains, Ural Mountains.
Danube, Dnieper, Dniester, Don, Douro, Ebro, Elbe, Garonne, Guadalquivir, Guadiana, Loire, Meuse, Northern Dvina, Oder Pechora, Rhine, Rhone, Seine, Tagus, Thames, Tiber, Ural, Vistula, Volga, Western Dvina.
Adriatic Sea, Aegean Sea, Atlantic, Balearic Islands, Balkan Peninsula, Baltic Sea, Barents Sea, Bay of Biscay, Black Sea, Bosphorus, Cape Finisterre, Cape Roca, Cape San Vicente, Caspian Sea, Corsica, Crete, Crimean Peninsula, Dardanelles, English Channel, Great Britain, Gulf of Bothnia, Gulf of Cadiz, Gulf of Finland, Gulf of Lion, Gulf of Riga, Gulf of Taranto, Iberian Peninsula, Iceland, Ionian Sea, Irish Sea, Italian Peninsula, Jutland Peninsula, Kola Peninsula, Land's End, Malta, Mediterranean Sea, North Cape, North Sea, Peloponnesus, Point St Mathieu, Sardinia, Scandinavian Peninsula, Sea of Azov, Sea of Marmara, Sicily, Strait of Gibraltar, Strait of Messina, Tyrrhenian Sea, White Sea.
5 comentarios:
I have a question, but it isn't about this topic. When you dictate us the ecosystems, you dictate us the equatorial rainforest and not the tropical rainforest because it was in the book. Well, in the page 110, where the tropical rainforest is explained, it says: "Tropical rainforest is the natural vegetation of places that have an equatorial climate (page 92)". Is the same thing tropical and equatorial forests?
The problem here is that the book we use doesn't distinguish between Equatorial rainforest and Tropical rainforest.
The rainforest that is described in you book is the Equatorial one, while "Tropical rainforest" is the landscape of Humid Tropical climate. This forest have lower trees than in the Equatorial rainforest and there is more space between them. There is also more vegetation on the ground because more light reaches the plants.
Soil is also more fertile than in the Equatorial rainforest.
Thank you, Mar.
Mar, in tje exam, in the part of rivers, are you going to put all the rivers in Europe and we have to write only the names of the ones we had to study, or is it going to be a map with only the rivers we had to study?
You only have to study the rivers, mountains, etc mentioned in the blog. In the exam's map can appear more, but the only ones you have to point out in the exam are the ones from the blog.
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